Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain hosted the third WBNET project meeting, from 24th – 26th of September. It was an…
University of Mitrovica (UPKM) held the 2nd In-home training within the Network of Centers for Regional Short Study Programs in…
On May 8, 2024 the Faculty of Technical Sciences of the University in Pristina in Kosovska Mitrovica organized preparatory classes…
In accordance with the activity plan in Work Package 2, Task 2.2, and in order to deliver the results of…
After the 2nd study visit held in Ljubljana, UNBI organized 2nd in-home training. In the first part of the training,…
On April 23rd, 2024 the Faculty of Law of the University in Pristina in Kosovska Mitrovica organized the open-door day…
The Laboratory for Multimedia of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering (LMMFE), University of Ljubljana (UL) hosted the 2nd meeting of…
On April 3, 2024, the Technical University of Vienna hosted the Inter-Project Coaching Meeting, an event designed to encourage collaboration…
After representatives of the University of Herzegovina participated in a study visit to the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the…
Since the beginning of this year, the University of Herzegovina has been active in the new Erasmus project "Network of…
Organizoing Final Project Conference
Description Final Conference will be organized at SVEHERC. Monograph of the project will be printed. Results and Sustainability Plan presented. Network is formed and members are presented. New ones are called to join.
External Quality Evaluation
Description An External QA Audit will be done in year 3 by External Quality Control Team composed of the external experts in QA and education. It will review performance of the project, and all deliverables in the course of the project. The consortium will sub-contact this service from organization/persons not involved in the project realization.
External Financial Audit of the project will be done from M33 - M36 and report will be presented on SC Final Meeting
Monography of the project
Description The Monograph of the project activities and results is going to be prepared and published. It is going to be in colour, 100 pieces. It will be distributed on Final Conference.
Promotion on live events
Description All events will be covered with photos, video clipping and TV stations are going to be called to make the coverage
Promotion on media and social networks
Description All media that can be reached will be used. Websites of partners, stakeholders, social media, TV stations, radio etc.
Development of promo material
Description Logo of the project will be developed immediately after signing Grant Agreement. In order not to waste time, Working Group that will ATUSS lead will develop logo, prepare promo kit I.
10 different promo-kits are going to be developed.
Developing website and conducting
Description Development of Online Platform (website) starts immediately after received positive answer from the EU Commission Online Platform will be created for the project
as an important and ongoing communication hub and as a tool for preparation, development, quality, management, sustainability and dissemination of project outcomes.
The Online Platform will crucially contain, in addition to in-detail project description, goals, partners, etc. all training, teaching and learning materials, developed by partners. All the materials will be available for free download during and post the project. AASKM and ATUSS will create website.
Developing Dissemination and Exploitation Plan
Description DB will work according to Project Plan and create Dissemination Plan with strong timeline scheduling. Dissemination is going to be strong support for each activity that consortium conduct with stakeholders.
Start Month 1 End Month 36
Objectives To ensure constant visibility of the project and dissemination of results
Organizing Interim project conference
Description Interim conference is going to be organize in M18 in order to collect the fine inputs about companies needs in order to better create curriculums – to be in line with needs of economy and labour market, discuss about goals of Centres. THE initiative to form network actively work – surveys about needs, placement traineers, employees involve in short study programs according to needs etc. The frame for sustainability plan is drafted.
Round tables with identified stakeholders
Description Two round tables will be organized – in UNBI in M24 and in M30 at AASKM in order to reach inputs about needs and sign agreements about settling trainers in the companies
Sustainability plan preparing
Description SUSTAINABILITY Plan will be made on the Final Conference in synergy of all partners and stakeholders. WB HEIs will provide min 10 contracts with companies where their trainees are going to for placement. This is going to be in a Sustainability Plan
Start Month 18 End Month 36
Objectives To provide further development of short study programs in WB countries after project life
Quality Control of New Short Study Cycles
Description During M29 1 person from ATUSS will go to check how UNBI and SVEHERC conduct short study programs and UPM will go to UPKM and AASKM with the same reason. Reports will be used for fine tuning
Quality Assurance Committee (QAC) meetings
Description One person from each partner institution participate. QAB will have 10 members
Development of a quality assurance plan
Description As explained in the section Quality Design, QAP is going to be key driver to success of the project. QAB will set up methodologies, criteria and performance indicators in QA Plan for the control of procedures and processes and conduct regular surveys (i.e. Needs Analysis, Satisfaction Surveys).
Start Month 1 End Month 36
Objectives To provide quality and quantity of deliverables and their delivery on time
Fine tuning
Description After finishing first cycle, based on surveys of trainees and mentors from companies where trainees went for placement, the fine tuning of curriculums for multimedia and programming will be done, before new cycle. On Round table in M30, the results will be presented and discussed. Maybe, some new inputs are going to be reached then and used for planned fine tuning. On the Final conference. Once again, for the future development use, the inputs from stakeholders will be reached
Realization of short study programs
Description First cycle is from M28 - M30, and second cycle is from M33 - M35.

Each cycle lasts 3 months, with 15 days of  placement in companies. As planned, the areas are going to be multimedia and programming.

Enrolment of students
Description In order to provide 20 trainees for each short study program in one cycle, good promotion must be done. The promo –kit VI will be made,
strong on-line marketing will be used.On 4 WB HEIs for two times each cycle has to pass 20 trainees. That will be 320 trainees from WB countries during the project life
Start Month 25 End Month 36
Objectives To realize short study programs with all quality and quantity fulfilled requirements
Developing teaching materials
Description Materials for each short study program is going to be developed, 2 per each WB HEI
Developing documentation for accreditation
Description Developing elaborate for accreditation according to legislative of competent authority
Development of a program of professional practice
Description The programs for trainees placement in the companies
Developing curriculums for short study program
Description The curriculums for multimedia and programming are going to be developed for 4 WB HEIs, based on needs of each labour market
Training 4 – Training for conducting placements in companies
Description Training for quality placement of trainees in the companies is going to be done for WB HEIs and for companies on Interim conference
Training 3 - Training of WB HEI staff in pedagogical skills
Description Training for choose the best suitable methodology to teach under the short study programs
Purchasing equipment
Description On each WB HEI the equipment for 4 Centres will be purchased. Equipment will be done in the aim of short study programs and in line with advises of EU partners. ATUSS will supervise.
Start Month 10 End Month 25
Objectives To develop and get accreditation for 8 short study programs (2 per WB HEI) and equip 4 Centres labs with equipment

  • Purchasing equipment
  • Developing curriculums for short study program
  • Development of a program of professional practice
  • Developing teaching materials
  • Accreditation of short study programs
Registration of Centers according to the law
Description Registration centres according to national lows (as part of infrastructure of HEIs with own account or subaccount of HEI, depending of decision from T2.4).
Establishment of the Center at WB HEIs
Description Documentation for the HEIs Councils will be prepared and asked for permit for opening centres within the HEIs
Defining goals of centers
Description Meetings with economy partners, syrveys among students, employees and non-employed persons about missing skills.
As a result, goals for WB Centers for Short Study programs should be defined
Training of WB HEI staff
Description Two trainings are planne:
2.2.1 Materials for Training 1 - Aims and technical conditions for opening center for short study cucles
2.2.2 Materials for Training 2 - Developing curriculas for short study programs After trainings at EU partners, at WB HEIs inhome trainings are going to be organized
Study visits to EU partners
Description Through 3 study visits WB HEIs will reach knowledge for opening Centres for short study programs:
UPM - M12
Start Month 1 End Month 18
Objectives To develop 4 Centres in WB countries for conducting short study programs using experience of EU partners
Periodic and final reporting
Description Project Interim (M19) and Final Report (M36)
Day-to-day coordination and communication
Description Communication via email, Viber, Whatsapp, Every 3 months if there is no need for earlier
Meetings of SC
Description Project Management (SC) meetings in face- to face manner are going to be held in this order: M2 - ATUSS, M6 - ULFE, M12 - UPM, M18 - UPKM, M24 - UNBII , M30 - AASKM, M36 - SVEHERC.
Meetings are going to be help always parallel with some development, sustainability building or quality control activities. Before meeting all necessary reports will be sent to the member of SC, so the meetings are going to be very effective.
Developing Project management plan
Description Project Management plan will be developed and it will consist of all activities and tasks to be done in quantity, quality and due date for deliver. It will define roles for each activities, risks and ways of communication (regular and urgent).
Kick-off Meeting
Description The Kick-Off- Meeting will be hosted by the project coordinator ATUSS. All partners will sign the Project agreement which will rule relations, decision making, lines of
communication, methods of cooperation, disagreements, planning meeting agendas and the identification and agreement of control and problem-solving procedures.
Project Agreement preparation
Description Coordinator will, in coordination with EU Commission instructions and project Adviser gain new management skills to provide project idea updates based on project proposal and new updates. Project Agreement draft will be discussed among partners and prepared for the Kick-of-Meeting.
Start Month 1 End Month 36
Objectives Ensure stable management and quality control, during the whole project life, including Finance and Quality evaluation of project