WP leader WP name Deliverables Activity No. Title Due date
ATUSS WP1 – Project management 1.1. Preparing Project Agreement
1.2. Kick-off Meeting
1.3. Developing Project management plan
1.4. Meetings of SC
1.5. Day-to-day coordination
1.6. Developing Interim and Final Report
ULFE WP2 – Developing centers for short studies 2.1. Study visits to EU partners
2.2. Training of WB HEI staff
2.3. Defining goals of centers
2.4. Establishment of the Center at WB HEIs
2.5. Registration of Centers according to the law
UPKM WP3 – Creating a program of short studies in multimedia engineering and computing 3.1. Purchasing equipment
3.2. Training 3 – Training of WB HEI staff in pedagogical skills
3.3. Training 4 – Training for conducting placements in companies
3.4. Developing curriculums for short study program
3.5. Development of a program of professional practice
3.6. Developing documentation for accreditation
3.7. Developing teaching materials
UNBI WP4 – Program realization 4.1. Enrolment of students
4.2. Realization of short study programs
4.3. Fine tuning
UPM WP5 – Quality control 5.1. Developing Quality Assurance Plan
5.2. Quality Assurance Committee (QAC) meetings
5.3. Quality Control of New Short Study Cycles
5.4. External Quality Evaluation
SVEHERC WP6 – Sustainability 6.1. Sustainability plan preparing
6.2. Round tables with identified stakeholders
6.3. Organizing Interim project conference
6.4. Organizing Final Project Conference
AASKM WP7 – Dissemination 7.1. Developing Dissemination and Exploitation Plan
7.2. Developing website and conducting
7.3. Development of promo material
7.4. Promotion on media and social networks
7.5. Promotion on live events
7.6. Monography of the project